Sunday, September 16, 2018

An apple a day

An apple a day

An apple a day, Apple

In English it has been said, "An apple a day", Keeps the Doctor Away "i.e. eat an apple every day and take away the doctor.
An Apple is full of nutritious elements. Not only does it help fight diseases, but also keeps your body cheap. Scientific studies have shown that consumption of apples is associated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes as well as mental illnesses
Parkinson and Alzheimer's etc. also get relief.

Apple is the result of fiber, so fiber in it is also found in good quantity. By eating an apple, the digestive system is also right.
It is also a good antioxidant that helps in removing diseases related to diabetes, cancer, and brain.
Apple normalizes the amount of glucose in the body. Diabetic patients benefit from this.
Come and know about the benefits of eating apples and see how this magical fruit keeps us healthy.

1. Anemia ran away

Apple also treats diseases like anemia, because iron is found in very good amounts in apples.
If you eat 2 to 3 apples a day, then it cures iron deficiency throughout the day.

2. Reduce the risk of cancer

The quercetin present in apple protects the person's cells from harm. This reduces the risk of cancer.

3. Save with honey

The pectin found in apples, which reduces the amount of galacturonic acid in the body and reduces the use of insulin.

4. Assistant indigestion

Apple has a very good amount of fiber that helps in digestion. And if the apple is eaten with its peel, it also cures constipation.

5. Reduce Cholesterol

Most famous attributes are found in apples which reduce cholesterol.

6. Control the weight

Due to the many health problems, obesity is considered, Diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes are due to excessive weight. A fiber in apple is found in high ester which helps in weight loss.

7. Keep Immune System Well

The red apple is found in quercetin salt antioxidant. Recent studies have found that quercetin strengthens your immune system.